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No More Wasted Efforts: New Sales Ops Service Enriches and Vets Leads For Sales Teams

At King Femina, we specialize in sales operations services. One of our specialties, Leads as a Service (LaaS), includes vetting, cleansing, and enriching leads before they are handed off to the sales team. 

LaaS is an idea that came about during my time as a sales ops expert for various corporations. A common pain point for sales is the initial touch point of new leads. There are typically issues like leads actually trying to reach customer service instead, spam leads, and leads without enough information.

Our solution will solve these problems. The LaaS process includes receiving new leads, usually from import lists and inbound website forms, and separating them into four buckets: spam, needs more info, customer service, and ready for sales. 

The King Femina team will then enrich leads that need more info, like adding LinkedIn URLs and job titles, routing the customer service leads to the appropriate inbox, and distributing ready leads to the sales team via the CRM based on assignment rules the client has provided.

This helps sales teams in a few ways. First, it saves them time messing with leads that are not ready to speak to a salesperson. Second, it helps morale when less time is wasted and frustration goes down. Third, it allows the sales team to spend more time focused on selling to ready customers, instead of being a routing team for bad leads.

LaaS, like all King Femina services, is provided as a subscription plan. Clients decide month-to-month how many hours they need our support specialists. Hours can be adjusted as needed. 

If you are interested in learning more about this service, you can reach us at


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