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Sales Team's Dream: Sales Operations Service That Takes On All Your Admin Woes

SOaaS is an industry-disrupting service that will keep sales teams' eyes on the prize, instead of staring at a CRM system.

Over the last decade in my sales operations career, I've learned there is always the same pain point for every single sales team:

Having salespeople input their own CRM data.

If I had a nickel for every time I've sat with a frustrated salesperson, struggling to maneuver around complicated CRM rules, having to be re-trained over and over on the new updates to the system, being nagged by management to input their opportunity info on time, aggravated sitting at their computer because they should be using their time to sell, not on admin tasks...

And if I had another nickel for every time I've sat with a frustrated sales manager, struggling to get correct forecasting numbers, repeatedly asking their sales team to input their CRM info, hitting roadblocks with their own bosses who can't approve rules that would make it easier for the sales team to use the CRM...

In short, I'd probably give Bezos a run for his money.

So here I've created a solution. This service is my brainchild that I've been working on for the last few months. It is a service that solves ALL of the problems listed above.

King Femina, We offer SOaas, Sales Operations as a Service, Keep your sales team in the field, Let us take on the admin work, Learn more
SOaaS: Sales Operations as a Service

SOaaS, or Sales Operations as a Service.

You can hire my SOaaS team at King Femina, and we will take on all the admin tasks for your sales team. None of your salespeople will have to touch CRM again. Instead, my SOaaS team will handle all of your sales team's admin and keep your CRM up to date.

You increase team morale by relieving both sales and management's pain points in one swoop, and so many more perks.

Sales teams should be selling. I fully believe this, and any person I've met in a sales role says the same. When they have to handle their own admin, 30% or more of their time is taken by sitting at a computer, when they should be selling and working with customers.

You inevitably increase sales by keeping your teams in the field 100% of the time.

I know from my decade of experience in sales ops, exactly what pain points a typical sales team has. I also know for a fact that SOaaS will relieve so many frictions within the typical sales org.

If you are interested in learning more about SOaaS for your team, please email

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