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Sales Operations as a Service

Providing expert-level, contracted services is at the heart of the KF brand. Our unique SOaaS offering (Sales Operations as a Service) provides businesses with top-tier sales ops services. SOaaS is designed to streamline sales ops processes, improve CRM systems, and give back time to sales teams so they can focus on selling instead of performing administrative tasks.


SOaaS includes 6 specialty services.

CRM Database Management

  • Creating and managing custom reports and dashboards

  • Organizing and restructuring existing CRM records and data sets

  • Creating and managing automation flows and rules

  • Assisting in privacy rules, profile assignments, and team role management

Business Documentation Support

  • ​Assisting with sales-related document creation and management, including but not limited to CRM training documents, RFPs, database structure outlines, business process manuals, sales team onboarding materials, and automation process mapping

Sales CRM Admin Support

  • Creating, updating, and otherwise managing input into the CRM system on behalf of the sales team, including but not limited to updating pipeline information, creating new client contact records, inputting opportunities, and managing lead activity​​

  • Implementing and managing a more efficient and timely process for the sales team to provide pipeline and CRM record updates

NPS + CX Program Management

  • Implementing and managing the CEM system, NPS surveys, and other customer experience programs

  • Creating and updating email survey templates

  • Creating, updating, and managing automated sending rules for surveys

  • Managing and escalating customer feedback alerts

  • Creating and managing reports and dashboards with feedback data

  • Hosting training sessions and creating documentation manuals on the CEM system, NPS process, and CX programs

Lead Management

  • Screening new leads and removing spam and records with bad info

  • Enriching qualified leads with LinkedIn URLs and job titles

  • Importing leads after conferences, tradeshows, and other events

  • Rerouting leads that need customer service or operations

  • Creating and managing automated lead distribution and assignment rules in the CRM system

Sales Ops

Strategy Consulting

  • Assisting leadership with sales ops strategy planning and evaluation

  • Hosting sales ops workshops and strategy think tank sessions

  • Creating and managing sales ops, CRM, and sales-related strategy flowcharts and documents

  • 1:1 meetings with leadership as needed

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